Home > TASE ACADEMY > Your BIM training funded by CEFORA

Our partnership with CEFORA

The TASE ACADEMY offers a large number of training courses in partnership with CEFORA.
If your company is part of the Joint Commission 200, the cost of this training is then fully covered by CEFORA.

How to benefit from CEFORA funding for our BIM training?

If you are part of the CP200, it couldn’t be easier: just select the appropriate box on the registration form.

After verification from us, we will ask you to complete a small form and your registration will be validated in order to engage in the training of your choice.


The Auxiliary Joint Commission for Employees (CPAE or CP200) brings together some 55,000 companies, each of which pays an annual fee. Thanks to this financial contribution, 440,000 employees can receive free training from CEFORA.

Employers and employee organizations consequently have the opportunity to sharpen the knowledge and skills of the employees.

By supporting the continuous training of your employees, you offer them a rewarding and fulfilling career, while developing the skills and performance of your company.


BIM requires continuous practice and regular updates to keep it functioning optimally. It is therefore interesting to take advantage of quieter periods to maintain tools, develop new ones and continue learning.

BIM training, both for beginners and experienced professionals

Whether it is to progress, to improve your skills or to stay up to date, “TASE Academy” offers a whole range of training courses, face-to-face or online, general or targeted, detailed on our site.