Revit LT Suite

What is Revit LT?

A BIM (Building Information Modeling) solution for the self-starter, Revit LT™ is a cost-effective project workhorse for the small architecture studio or solo practitioner.

  • Get all the design to documentation power of Revit at a fraction of the cost.

  • Win more work where BIM is required.

  • Accelerate production workflows and standardize deliverables to reduce rework.

Caracteristics and functions of Revit LT Suite

Parametric component design

Place walls, doors, and windows in an open, graphical, and parameter-rich system for design and form-making.

Visibility settings and overrides

Control visibility by hiding, revealing, and highlighting building elements. Use overrides to customize appearance.

BIM Content Libraries

Load content from the Autodesk cloud into a Revit project or create your own libraries of building components.


Use tables to better capture, filter, sort, display, and share project data.


Import, export, and link with commonly used CAD formats, including IFC4, Rhino, SketchUp, and OBJ.

Personalization and customization

Customize the user interface to fit, with configurable keyboard shortcuts, ribbons, and toolbars.


Communicate design intent effectively with tools for tagging, dimensioning, and illustrating in 2D and 3D.

Global parameters

Embed design intent with project-wide parameters that work with radial and diameter dimensions and equality constraints.

Frequent performance upgrades

Benefit from gains in hardware and processor performance and continuous evaluation against computing benchmarks.

Autogenerated schedules

Automatically create building component schedules to improve the visibility of costs and quantities.

3D design and visualization

Create 3D views to better visualize and share your designs.

High-quality documentation

Create current and coordinated design documentation

3D BIM vs. 2D design

Working in Revit LT, a 3D model-based environment, can deliver information about project design, scope, and phases when you need it.

Quantify materials

Use real-world materials with Autodesk cloud services and use Revit LT to quantify through the use of schedules.



Nomenclatures générées automatiquement

Créez automatiquement des nomenclatures d'éléments de bâtiment pour une meilleure estimation des coûts et des quantités.

Conception 3D et visualisation

Créez des vues 3D pour mieux visualiser et partager vos conceptions.

Documentation de grande qualité

Créez un documentation de conception à jour et coordonnée.

BIM 3D contre conception 2D

Revit LT, un environnement basé sur des modèles 3D, peut fournir des informations sur la conception, la portée et les phases du projet lorsque vous en avez besoin.

Quantifier les matériaux

Utilisez des matériaux réels avec les services cloud d’Autodesk et utilisez Revit LT pour effectuer des quantifications à l’aide de nomenclatures.

Other Softwares Autodesk LT Product